Monday, May 11, 2015

Dog-Friendly Places are People-Friendly Places

It is our nature as people to want to be happy.  Most studies about happiness agree that strong social connections are an important component of being happy. Dogs not only love us unconditionally but they help many of us forge social connections with our neighbors and others we don't know. For those of us who struggle to meet people, dogs are a great icebreaker as they create the first topic of conversation. Our dog Tuukka has been a wonderful addition to our family as she is a happy dog who loves people and other dogs and is well-behaved.  This gives us the flexibility to take her to places where dogs are allowed.  Many chance encounters happen because of her.  As happiness is vital to people, it's important for communities to be dog-friendly.  Besides, dogs need continuous socializing as well. So what does a dog-friendly community look like?  I'll use Austin as my reference but these concepts should apply anywhere.

First, I'll use an example of our usual Saturday mornings in Austin.  My wife and I take Tuukka to the Barton Creek Mall Farmers Market where we hang out at the Austin Boxer Rescue booth (Tuukka is a Boxer who we adopted from ABR).  Lots of people take their dogs to the farmers market and many people and dogs stop by the booth.  Tuukka and we get to meet a lot of people and dogs in a friendly atmosphere.  Good friendships have been formed at the farmers market.  After the farmers market, we go to the Austin Beer Garden on Oltorf where we sit outside at picnic tables with other people and dogs.  Not only is the beer and food great, so is the atmosphere.  We always meet people with Tuukka. Without her, our chances of talking with a stranger is lower.   Cafes, coffee bars and taverns are important places to meet people.  Hopefully, these places are close to where you live so you can walk or take a short car ride.  Too bad my neighborhood doesn't currently have any retail nearby so we must always drive.

Tuukka makes a new friend at the Draught House, a great dog-friendly tavern.  All photos by Paul DiGiuseppe
Parks are another must, even better if it is a dog park.  A dog-friendly park is great for exercise and the ability to meet others.  You will see hordes of people and dogs at Auditorium Shores and other Austin dog parks.     Unfortunately, we do not have a park within our neighborhood and can attest to the need for having a park within a neighborhood.  However, we use the neighborhood's detention pond when it is dry and occasionally see other dogs and people in the pond.  A trail or greenbelt is also great.  I've met many dogs and people during hikes. I haven't taken Tuukka to the Barton Creek Greenbelt because if I took her off leash, she'd probably end up in Canada.

The Barton Creek Greenbelt is a great place for people and dogs.

Sidewalks are vital to walking your dog in your neighborhood and meeting your neighbors.  One interesting thing I've noticed with Tuukka:  when walking, she always goes to the sidewalk and away from the street.  She seem to understand what people know; use the sidewalk because it's safe.  Our neighborhood has sidewalks on both sides of the street but no where to walk to like a park or restaurant. As I live in a low-density neighborhood, we usually do not see people or dogs on our walks.  This bothers Tuukka as she wants to see dogs and people who are not my wife or me. I expect more dense, compact neighborhoods have more encounters with neighbors and dogs.

Great dog places should also have with lots of good vets.  Pet stores with good quality food and toys are also a must (as well as another great place to meet people and dogs).

As a friend said  "Dogs are such good people...  better than people." I agree. So if we want to be good to dogs and ourselves, we must make our communities dog-friendly.  By doing so, we are making our communities better for all of us.  Hopefully, you and your dog live in a neighborhood with sidewalks and places to go such as parks and retail.  

Seattle might be the ultimate dog city.  For proof, check out this video of the dog who rides the bus.

So, readers, what are some other dog-friendly amenities?

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